Thursday, September 2, 2010

An oasis among fire cuisine

Korean cuisine...ahhh the almighty kimchi or the famous bibimbap. Korean cuisine was almost unknown for since in Costa Rica there are really few korean restaurants but for my surprise in Beijing you can find a korean place in almost every street. So last year when I met around 6 koreans friends they started to introduce me to the korean delicacies, although they always say that as good as in Korea (it never is hehe), for me it's a lot better than the korean restaurants I've been to in Costa Rica.

So today I went with my good friend Bobae, all the way korean, so she wanted korean kidding!! So we went behind the east campus where there's a big street with a whole variety of restaurants and places to eat. Among this big street you'll find a tiny restaurant at the beginning of the street...its called 北京请月里餐厅. So walking all the way there made me all sweaty, so I decided to look for some refreshing dish. Reading all the menu remind me that most of the korean food are either spicy or very condimented. After almost losing my hopes to find something that could refresh my body from this hot summer weather, I saw in the last page "Cold Noodles". I was like "Ohh maybe this is what I'm looking for" so i gave it a try and ordered it.

When the waitress brought it, the first thing that drew my attention was the big stainless bowl, then i realized that it was to keep the broth cold. Long hand made noodles, a boiled egg, julienned cucumbers, some sort of kimchi salad and a piece of cold beef were right on my first sight. It was better than i expected, the sweetness of the broth along with the chunky noodles and the crunchiness of the cucumbers made this bowl of noodles a really pleasant meal. The only con for me was the piece of beef, which from the first bite i knew it came out from the fridge and was not freshly made as I expected. But overall this was a nice meal and for a price of ten yuans this bowl of cold noodles will remind me that among of the spiciness and strong flavors in Korea, you can always find something refreshing and light.

1 comment:

  1. I think their culture of food is more about less oil? Maybe you can tell us more about its table manners since you do have pretty korean girls there haah! I like their creation of the BBQ on the hot pan (Remember the one that we went together with Wang Laoshi?) It is very tasty, yum yum1
