Sunday, September 5, 2010

North eastern chinese food

Just coming back from an exhausting but really nice day in the 798 District of Art made me really hungry, but after walking for so many hours I didn't feel like going anywhere to eat...cup noodles was the first thing in my mind, but in the end my friend wanted some real food so we went to a really famous restaurant, well at least famous among the students. This place is known as the 东北饭馆,which means North East Restaurant. Since we were only two we ordered just two dishes, Tomatoe Beef Stew and another dish which i will call Tofu Veggie Rolls with Shredded Pork and Crispy Potato Chips.

The Tofu Roll was pretty nice, I've already tried it before, it's a mix of vegetables rolled in a tofu skin and in the middle there's shredded pork sauted in soy sauce and underneath of it there are crispy strips of potatoes. The combination is of flavors is very nice and also the texture that the vegetables and the potatoes give in your mouth makes you want to eat more and more, and plus is fun to eat because you have to like build it, first take a roll and put some pork and potatoes on the top. Thumbs up!!

The stew...what can i say about it, it reminds me to the mexican dish "Sopa Azteca" but in a chinese version. In both's all about the broth!! man! this is something you can give me after a night of party and a massive hang over the next day. Big pieces of tomato, beef, scallions, onions and bellpeppers, sounds simple but that's really it and as i said before, the broth is what brings all the flavors together. Again the beef was my only dislike, it was tough and overcooked, man I'm starting to think that either they don't have good beef here in China or simply chinese people just don't know how to cook beef.

Overall it was a nice meal and very cheap...did I mention how cheap it is to eat in China?

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