Thursday, October 14, 2010

A trouble saver

Monday morning (not so morning actually) I overslept, had to rush to classes so i took a quick shower and then went out. Suddenly there were weird sounds coming out from my stomache and well of course i was a little hungry, didn't have time to make my breakfast(no big deal, just cereal or some bread, butter or jelly). So on my way to classes i stopped in this little place next to the supermarket, to get one of my best discoveries in Beijing. They called it 收抓饼 (shou zhua bing) which i can only translate as "Hand pulled pastry pancake".

Originally called Roti Canai(Malaysia) or Kerala Porotta(India), is a type of flatbread made fat, egg, flour and water which it turns into a dough. Normally it is served with curry and lentils.

So this chinese version of it is pretty much the same thing, although it has some twists. When normally in India they served it plain just to be like a side dish to deep into their curry dishes, this one is more like a wrap, which is really successful. So they first cook it in a very hot flat iron skillet, they push the dough until it forms a sort of flatbread and then spin it a few times. When it's done it becomes a crispy and flaky on the outside but fluffy in the inside. You can choose what to put on your wrap, from chicken, sausage, bacon or duck meat to a vegetarian version. My choice is duck meat, although bacon is good too. The big chunks of duck and the texture of the wrap makes them a perfect couple. The hot sauce gives it the kick that it needs...the lettuce, well i guess it makes it healthier, even though is really not for a breakfast :P

So well whenever you find yourself in a rush this little thing can help you fight your hunger for a while and pretty cheap also, 5 yuans...come on i can't even buy a bottle of water in Costa Rica for 5 yuans and I'm getting a meal here :D